This was actually a better year than I gave it credit for. Sometimes I feel that portraits are the first to go in a bad economy, I have been blessed with some really amazing clients who have kept me going this year, I've done some work I'm really proud of, made some major accomplishes and am working on a completely new body of work for my mobile gallery. So I have some exciting things already in the works for next year. In between painting and drawing, I am investigating a new business - yes... you heard it right. This is something I have thought about for many years, I think I am going to make a go for it and as it develops, you will be the first to know. Of course it has something to do with art, what a silly question!
I have always loved to graphite drawings, and as I have some extra time, I am working on some samples so customers have a better idea of what you can expect with a beautiful black and white drawing. This is a 16"x20" graphite pencil.